beNeth The Story

beNeth The Story


It’s funny how I started beNeth.

A few years ago, I started losing pigmentation around my chin area. I wasn’t sure why this was happening, but it definitely scared me. It started small and then eventually spread to my entire chin. At first, I thought I was suffering from Vitiligo. Immediately, I went to the dermatologist and was provided with a steroid cream which started to work and brought my pigmentation back, thankfully. It was a scary situation but it definitely made me pay more attention to how I take care of my skin.  

I love to wear make-up. I worked as a MAC makeup consultant for a short period of time. I learned a lot, but lacked the knowledge of how to take care of what was beneath. The lost of pigmentation on my chin traumatized me and I stopped wearing make-up for quite some time. Fast forward, the pandemic happened, and it gave me the time I needed to start my skin care line. It was a plan I had for awhile and decided to go full force.

beNeth was created for those looking for a daily facial skin care routine that’s easy, yet effective and doesn’t require a lot of steps. We produce organic based products, so it’s good for individuals suffering with acne, occasional breakouts and other skin care issues. Most of our facial problems are due to lack of attention we give it. If you want to see a difference in your skin. It takes consistency.

Most of us aren’t familiar with certain ingredients in our facial products. So we maybe doing a disadvantage to our skin by not knowing enough information on the products that we use. We provide detailed information about the ingredients we use. Our products are beneficial for all skin types and are FDA approved. I am not just here to provide you with amazing products but I’m also here to educate you on what will give you that beautiful skin you been waiting for. 

Stay consistent and maintain a healthy diet and watch that skin glow..

                                                                                              It all starts beNeth!